Thursday, February 10, 2011

This happened about a month ago:

Went to a meeting in downtown Minneapolis. It was really cold. I went into a parking ramp that charged by the hour. I had to raise my shivering hand to see what time the machine said I came in, just so I don't go over.

So I have the meeting and, because they left food over and because I didn't want to charge back into the cold so quickly, I lollygagged it. Until I estimated I had so many minutes before I would get charged for the next hour. Then I put on my coat and braved the weather.

But I was kind of afraid I was cutting it close. Sure enough, when I popped my ticket in, I was charged an extra hour. But I thought I had enough time?

I looked at the ticket-turned-pass out of the ramp for the timestamps. According to the machine, I put it in one minute into the next hour. One fucking minute.

I didn't go to the stripclub to make up for the money I wasted for that bullshit.

Fuck this noise. I know it happened last month, but still, fuck it.

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