Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Analysis Of Buffing, Polishing And Waxing My Car

Wanted to watch Wall Street 2 instead, then I thought I had time to do both. But with the cloudy but dry weather, I knew I had to take advantage, and even though it turned out I didn't have enough time to take in the film, I feel that I made the right choice.

I still don't know if I did a good job removing the scratches from my car, however. I did the whole thing like I did when I was trying to fix up the body of my parents' minivan except that I didn't use the shoe polish.

The result? The same damn thing I had with the minivan -- scratches that are mostly but not completely gone, more work I'll need to do with painting and clearcoat, and a wax that doesn't reflect my image. It's a shine that doesn't shine, just like the minivan. It looks a lot better, but I don't know if I did it correctly.

And by the way, what does "let dry to a haze" mean anyway? Did I screw up because I didn't give it enough to time to "haze?" If by "haze" you mean "cloudy," well, it sure is pretty fucking cloudy now, but it isn't supposed to be. Is it supposed to go away at some point? All I know is I can't see myself in my car, and I think I'm supposed to. Is this fuck-up permanent?

So many damn questions, and I have to go back again to retouch the paint, too. I'm sighing right now,

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