Monday, September 27, 2010

Now I Think I Lost My Job

It was a combination of being moved to a position I've never been in before, getting only 2 1/2 hours of sleep, and being overwhelmed by all my duties and the game, but today I am not sure I still have job. Missing assignments, being late to calls, not seeing who left the field and when they came back, and just being out of it in general. But I concentrated on down-and-distance, so I got that right.

Everybody knew it was my first time, so hopefully that'll give me some slack. But to be totally honest, I have absolutely no idea whether I did even an adequate job. The guy didn't yell at me -- at least I don't think; the crowd noise was usually too loud for me to hear him clearly -- but when I wanted to get some feedback from him afterward, I was told he got the hell out of Dodge because he had a flight to catch. So either he was OK with me and didn't need to rip me a new one, or he was so disgusted by my performance that he didn't think it was worth talking to me since I would be let go. Or ... he didn't think anything of my work at all because he just wanted to go?

From what else happened today, things aren't looking good. I was wrapped up in preparing for what I need to do that I didn't fulfill my responsibilities from my old position, which apparently I still needed to do. Too often I wasn't where my supervisors (my other supervisors) wanted me to be, leaving other people to do the jobs I was supposed to do. One of them tried to call me twice while I was in a different part of the Dome. He couldn't be too happy.

Is that why I didn't fill out a timesheet? Or maybe he just forgot and he too skeedaddled to the airport. I hope that's it -- and I hope he remembers how much he agreed to pay me.

And I really, really, really hope I'm still working for these guys. Without this particular job, I'm nothin'.

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