Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Customer Service

So I was at Target today because my Grandmother is on a buy-shit-we-don't-necessarily-need kick again and wanted me to purchase some air freshener.  I think.  Last night I commented on how her bedroom smelled like shit, and so she gave me five bucks to buy air freshener.

Whatever.  So I go to Target and find the cheapest thing I could find.  There's a limited edition of pumpkin-sceneted Febreze available for $1.99.  If it's limited edition, why is it cheaper?

Anyway, I buy a can and go up to the checkout guy.  It prices out at, like, $2.69 or something.

"Is that right?" I asked.  (I think that's what I asked, I don't remember.)

"It's not?" he replied.  (I think, I just made that up too.)

"No, I think it's $1.99 ... ?"  (This I'm pretty sure is verbatim.)

And he did something extraordinary.  He punched in the price I thought it was and overrode the scanned price.  And I paid $1.99 (plus tax so that made it $2.13) for it.

"That's alright?  I can certainly check," I offered, and he said it was fine.  He trusted me.  Christ.

You know, lately I've felt kind of shitty about shopping at Target.  Ever since the corporation decided to fully back the homophobe teabagger douchebag drunkard Tom Emmer for Governor, I've wanted to boycott these guys, despite them being headquartered in the state.  I can't because 1) my Grandmother's medications are bought here, and I don't think she wants that to change, and 2) their prices are so damn low.

But I have to say that I'm glad that, in this case at least, the frontline employee has been empowered to do something like take a customer's word and reprice an item than lower than what the computer says it's supposed to be.  I don't want to give credit to Target so much as thank the checkout guy, Richard, for doing this for me.  Thank you.  And I hope Grandmother doesn't make me return it so that your efforts are wasted.

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