Tuesday, January 28, 2025

He's Not Taking Money From Me, He's Not Taking Money From Me ...

Last work week was weird because I had taken a day off, Thursday, to bring my car into the shop (and also to see my stripper girlfriend clean the house, even though she flaked on me), but because I was working so late on all the other days, and then my boss asked me to come in to work Saturday because they were short-staffed then, I really, really thought that I would achieve a rare case of overtime.  My eight hours of paid time off is not a part of the theoretical 40 hours of work one usually needs in order for OT to kick in (although that rule may be different in your company, and who knows what it will be like now that Trump and the Republicans have been reinstalled), but I calculated that at some point at work Saturday, I would have accrued, basically, 48 hours of work, and from that point on, I would get time-and-a-half.  It was only, like, 90 minutes, but I need every buck I can get, and besides, the novelty of this is something I wanted to reach.

But then yesterday/Monday at work I checked my e-mail.  I always get one when my boss officially approves my timesheet, which is a perfunctory thing.  However, I get another one where my boss adjusted my time.  I got back in paid time off on Thursday the work I did Saturday.  Therefore, unless my math is wrong, no overtime.

I have to keep the big picture in mind.  First of all, he probably has pulled this stunt (which I have to guess is company policy) at least once before at my job, so maybe I should have known better.  Also, I will be asking him for some days off and to take some days back in the very near future, so I don't think I should go off half-cocked over this.  He has yet to truly bitch at me over my long days yet.  So I'll just fucking grouse here on my personal blog about how I really didn't want part of my paid time off back and really wanted the damn OT.  Blerg.

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