Sunday, March 9, 2025

Know What I'll Miss The Most?

Doing what I want, when I want.  Yeah, I still have panic attacks when I'm lying in my bed and realize that I have the whole house to myself, so that if someone somehow has gotten into the house and kills me, it might be days before I'm discovered.

But there are upsides, too.  Once I got home from watching MNUFC beat San Jose, I started washing the remaining dishes.  This was at midnight.  No way I would be able to do that with my parents home because one of them would be complaining about me making so much noise.  One night ago I was walking up and down the stairs trying to organize my stuff.  I was turning on all the lights and listening to music on YouTube really, really loudly.  This was 4 in the morning, after I had conked before 11:30 p.m. and found myself awake at 2:30.  Of course I couldn't make a racket like that at that time of night if my folks were around.

It is the freedom I will miss the most.

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