After thorough visual osmosis, I would say the month overall is below average, but of the dozen servers for the month, I think I will recognize five of them. And by the way, befitting the month, nearly all of the waitresses are wearing red or bikinis -- except for my top pick. So as a break from repeating the color every hottie is wearing, please assume she is wearing red unless I describe otherwise. Let us begin:
In fifth place is Cassidy, of Denham Springs, La. Voluminous and dark hair whose ends hang below her breasts. She's tugging the string between the two pieces of fabric covering up her boobs. Nice touch.
In fourth place is Orlando's Ashlyn. She's got really long, dark hair that is level with her belly button, and she is wearing a hot pink two-piece. The pose is the thing: She's climbing up pool stairs, and so we can see her really hot body directly full frontal. Well, actually she's climbing down one or two of the steps. See, she's not wet at all -- she's posing as if she's emerging from the pool, which would be hotter. Still, she's hot.
In third place is The Main Girl, Alexis out of Rock Hill, S. C. Dark hair long enough to reach the bottom of her tits, and she is sporting a light pink two-piece bikini. She is turned almost fully away from the camera, so we see the front of her body at an angle, but she is posing next to a showerhead, and she puts her hands underneath the running shower. Better yet, unlike Ashlyn, Alexis is completely wet. Her hair is wet, and if you look closely, her ass has droplets of water on it too. It's not as if she has taken a shower when her photograph was taken, of course, but at least she and the photographer went through with the illusion that she has. I really appreciate that.
In second place is Paris, hailing from Savannah, Ga. Dark hair that is so long (yeah, I guess a sense a theme here) it reaches her hips. I don't mind her left arm resting on top of her head. I really like that she's posing directly at the cam. The lighting I like as well; it seems to emanate from her right (so the left side of the picture) , so her tight stomach is given a lot of definition, in particular the vertical line cutting through her dark skin. Lovely.
Finally, in first place is Daniela, of Port Charlotte, Fla. Dark hair that only gets level below her titties. Also, she's the only one of the dozen babes this month wearing a white two-piece. Lovely, toothy smile, but she has a perfect bod that, to be fair, is posed slightly off-direct but is still impressively cut.
I have just realized I selected five Hooters women that all have long, dark hair. They're all slightly wavy, too. No blondes have I chosen, which might very well be an all-time first. In fact, there are only three servers in February 2025 that do not have dark hair.
Congratulations to Daniela and to the other four waitresses. To make sure I did it before my parents came home, I have already masturbated to them. Prost!
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