Saturday, May 30, 2009

Poor Bastard Of The Moment: John Hamilton

All previous Poor Bastards Of The Moment have been sports players, but I didn't envision making this award a sports-only one. So I'm going to pick out John Hamilton, a man who lives in Sandusky, Ohio, where apparently the budget forced them to leave a public park unmowed and trash strewn on the ground. He decided to mow the damn park, and for that he was arrested by city police (which may or may not have been affected by the budget cuts).

This isn't some nut. This is a man, a citizen, who was deeply concerned with the quality of life he saw in his neighborhood, got fed up with the city's impotence and penury, and decided to do something about it. And I doubt he was going to charge the city for mowing the foot-high grass. And he gets arrested for trying to make a little part of the place he lives a bit better?

Poor bastard.

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