Friday, May 22, 2009

Yesterday I was picking up dry cleaning and eating at Subway. I got out of my car and saw two ducks on that island with all the rocks that you park your car next to, you know? One of the ducks was lying on those rocks, obviously dead. The other was slowly wandering back and forth on the pavement next to this duck.

It may be dangerous to anthropomorphize an animal, but I looked at it for a minute before going out my business. That duck looked so helpless as it walked in a circle. What could I do, call 411? But my heart went out to that duck. I should do something, I thought to myself. What if that were me and all the strangers I saw around me didn't stop and ask me what they could do or even what's wrong? I'd be screaming out in anger and rage: Why won't someone help me?! My mother/friend/fellow duck I love is dead! Does no one hear my cries!!

After I got done with lunch I went back to my car. The alive duck was gone, nowhere to be seen. After I got to "work" at the U., I just had to call 411. Since this was on strip mall property, it is the responsibility of management to take care of the deceased duck.

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