Monday, August 10, 2009

Fuck These Goddamn Town Hall Health Care Protestors In The Ass So Hard They'll Have To Go The Hospital -- And Then Be Denied Coverage

I would embed video of these health care insurance lobbyist-funded and -organized, Republican-approved disruptions and bullying and thuggery and provocations while congressmen and -women are trying to conduct town hall meetings, but I don't want to give these people any more publicity.  However, I will link to this incredibly intelligent post about how these ambushers aren't really protesting so much as yelling their dumbass heads off, the true crazy thinking underlying these protests, and how these orchestrations intersect with all the other nutty conspiracies and "movements" since Barack Obama became our president.  Really, after you read it once, read it again.

A particularly great point "hunter" writes about is the first paragraph after his first pull quote.  I've seen and heard all these shouting matches, and I thought it was so ... odd that people would get so pissed off about health care.  This is a very complex issue, and minutia about "government co-ops" and "public option" are some of the things that are being debated, but these adult crybabies are screaming things like "socialism" and "government takeover" and shit.  And at the top of their lungs!  These aren't good things, and in some certain situations I would denounce them too.  But geez, if you look at some of these guys, they sound like someone's going to tear down their house.  Why are you getting so angry about Communism?  We killed it, like, a decade and a half ago.

And this article concludes, and I agree, that with the means provided by health insurance money, these people get to speak their mind.  Not about health care reform; what they are really vehemently against is a Democrat and a black President being in charge.  All these accusations that the President isn't a real American, that he wants to take everybody's money, and now this weird bullshit about how he wants to kill the elderly, all of these ridiculous stories made up seemingly in the basement while these people took turns puff-puff-passing (wait, do Republicans do that?), all of them seem to have gotten the attention of a small number of hardcore Obama haters.  This article does away with any pleasantries; they're racists, nothing more.

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