Monday, March 17, 2014

Well, She Seems Psycho (Scheduled Post)

I don't know why I'm going out for an interview this afternoon.  It's for a similar job in the healthcare industry, but I didn't have the heart to tell the temp agency that I've already lined up a test scoring project next Monday.  Maybe it's because I want to make absolutely sure I take this in if these guys tell me it'd be good for me.  If this company blows me away with, like, am $18/hour wage and a potential to be hired full-time, I won't regret taking in this interview.

But for now, I do, because I have to leave work early in order to get to the interview, which is across town.  Although this is a temp job, these guys have been really good to me, so bugging out a half-hour or a full hour before the end of work because I'm trying to find another job doesn't seem right.  (Never mind my hypocrisy about leaving these guys for a job I found myself, please.)  And of course you have the futile act of driving all the way to a suburb just to take in an interview for a job that I probably won't take if offered -- a job, by the way that will be for a project that lasts through mid-May at the most.  Why the hell am I interviewing for a six- or seven-week job?

Richest of all was the phone call I got preparing me for the interview.  The guy at the agency "works" with the person who will interview me, and he was coaching me on Friday to concentrate on a few things that she likes.  Three things he emphasized: Make sure you know what the job entails; give specific examples of any work experience in the past that you will need to do for this job; and, weirdest of all, don't go on about things.  He told me that last thing first, then told me the second thing second, which confused me: So, I'm supposed to give short answers unless I'm supposed to give long answers?  I guess I should give long answers when it comes to examples of work, but frankly, being told to not talk about yourself, while understandable, is a strange stipulation to ask of someone before a job interview.

I'll be honest: I have a very negative image of the person who is going to interview me.  I have to cut short my workday, drive clear across town (possibly through snow) and sit down for someone who'll be my boss for no more than two months.  And now I have to fucking watch what I say.  I don't have such worries with the flu biller job.  Hell, they hired me sight unseen, and I think it's gone very well, if I do say so myself.  And this new job, the testing project job?  I came in for an interview, but I'm starting my fourth season with them.  That's why an interview with them was important.  But two months?  Are you kidding me?  Oh, and the testing place doesn't have a dress code, thank Buddha.  I have to suit up for this interview, for crissake.

I don't want to completely blow this off, and there is a chance that my relationship with my temp agency will be ruined if things don't go well, so I have to at least give this a shot.  But ... this is a waste of my time.  I'm doing this only for the people who find me jobs, but other than that, this is a complete waste of my time.  What am I getting dressed up for?  Why did I shave?

Oh yeah -- and I'm having this interview on my birthday!!!  Oh, I so need a fucking lap dance once I'm out of there.

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