Friday, October 4, 2024

I've Got A Ticket ... Right?

I'm going to toot my own horn here.  I was able to set up tickets for fellow alumni for the Game against the Gopher football team tomorrow/Saturday (shit, is it tomorrow???).  Between setting it up, getting the word out, keeping people in the loop and answering any questions people may have, we are close to 200 tickets sold, which is an absolutely mind-blowing number.  I don't get any money or anything from it.  I'm just glad that so many of us alumni (and I assume most of the 200 tickets have been bought by people from the Twin Cities area) are banding together and making a day, and maybe even a weekend, out of it.  It is the community-building that makes me the most happy.

In the swirl of the past few months setting this all up, I have been somewhat cognizant I have to practice self-care, too.  In other words, as I have been making sure everyone who wants to buy a ticket gets to buy a ticket, I have to make sure I get one for myself.  I had kind of remembered that I need to do that, but that went from the back burner of my mind to the front burner when I ran across someone I know wondering if I could sit with him.  That's when I went, Oh yeah, I need to do that.

I still don't have a ticket.  Yet.  Sort of.  I had two people reach out to me asking if I could sit with them, but around the same time the first of several people said that she had an extra ticket and wants to offload it.  Since she had already bought that ticket and those two hadn't, I waited several weeks to see if she could find someone else.  In the meantime, luckily, those two found someone to go with.

The problem is that she has not been as, uh, responsive to my admittedly more frequent e-mails to her about this extra ticket.  I think she said that she has stopped looking and that it's mine.  But she has yet to tell me how she wants me to pay for her ticket.  We haven't yet discussed how we are going to get to the Game together, or even if it's possible she transfers the ticket to me and we get into the stadium separately if her plans before the Game differ from mine.  What I think is complicating all this is that she is very, very sick.  I follow her on social media, and she has been pretty forthright and active in detailing her daily struggles and her frequent trips to the doctor.  This leads me to believe that she might be too sick to go tomorrow.  She is a huge fan, and I know she wants to see the Game.  But she continues to get blood work done and she oftentimes confesses how tired she is.  I can totally see her telling me that she can't go because she's just too beat.  And if that's the case, where I am then?

I e-mailed her asking her how to pay her back and when she wants to start walking to the stadium, and she hasn't answered.  So that's where I am.  I need to draw up a contingency plan in case this all falls through.  I don't want to not trust her, but normally, every detail over this very important event would be ironed out by now, you know?  Gosh, I'm nervous over this.

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