Saturday, October 5, 2024

And So The Time Is Nigh. ...

Soon after I publish this blog post, I will be jetting off to the University of Minnesota campus.  Hopefully I will build in enough time to find a parking spot, for free, that will allow me to walk to the pre-Game even I'm volunteering for and then the stadium for the Game itself.  I will take a spot that is up to two miles away from the stadium and that will take me a half-hour to get back to my car.  I have done similar only one other time: For U2's 360 concert at then-TCF Bank Stadium.  It was the right thing to do, and I am going to do it again.

But do you want to know what's on my mind right now, moreso than the anxiety I'm feeling about finding a parking spot, doing my volunteer work, getting to the Game on time and hoping my team won't get upset?  The guy I got into a heated spat with on Facebook over Trump's "assassination attempt."  He got so fucking pissed off he transformed into some ugly creature, not just a different person.  Well, he'll be there, and I don't know how he's going to be towards me.  Will he act like nothing happened?  Will he apologize?  Will he want to continue the argument with me in front of hundreds of people there to watch something else?

I'll just lay it all out here: Ever since we backed away from our fighting, he's been pretty cordial on the Facebook group we're both in.  As long as we (apparently) don't talk about politics, it seems as though he is behaving.  But a part of me thinks that this is an opportunity for him to come to the bar for our pre-Game, walk up to me, and fuckin' slit my throat.  And it'll be inexplicable -- "Why in the hell would he do something like that?"

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

While I look forward to the Game and to meeting up with old friends, some of whom are flying in from out of town and I haven't seen in years, I am kind of going to be glad once the day is over.  I feel "on" right now, with my volunteering stint and making sure everyone knows what they want to know.  I want to be "off" right now, but I can only do that once I get back home.  That won't be a while, and the paranoid side of me is scared I won't come back at all.

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