Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Addendum To: Making The Pieces Fit

Well, all my inveighing last night is all for naught due to two things.  One, I was reminded that the financial advisor for one of my accounts is hosting a meal-packing event very close to where I live.  I have very few issues with the way my account is going right now, but he has been my financial advisor for a while and I have never met him.  He works closer to 394, so as long as he's up near my neck of the woods, and I can see him before the 'Rents come home, and there are a couple things I can talk to him about my account face-to-face, and I decided that I should stay awake tomorrow/Wednesday evening and volunteer.

The other thing is The State Of The Union Address.  I forgot that that motherfucker gets to have one out of the bat even though he was officially installed just over a month ago (it might not technically be called his State of the Union address, but it doesn't matter, he's getting a platform).  Yes, I hate him enough that I don't want to be even near a TV when he's vomiting his lies through his fat lips.  So I am making a point of seeing a movie, probably Captain America: Brave New World, right during the SOTU address.  So a quiet night is out the window on that night, too.

I have fun things I want to do before they come home, but I need a couple slow weeknights, too, just so I can start cleaning up at home and just because I need the break.  But as you can see above, I have my reasons not to do so.  That means that I will have no time to myself to get the house ready unless I take the weekends to do it.  And that might be my only recourse now.

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