Monday, February 24, 2025

Making The Pieces Fit

First of all, in an addendum to my previous blog post, I am going to compromise and come in at 7.  I really don't want to report to work at 6:30, but since my call time tomorrow/Tuesday and Wednesday is 7, I guess I wake up at 6 for a third straight day.

Assuming I am not explicitly allowed to stay for more than ten hours -- and I don't know if I would want to anyway -- I am leaving at 5:30.  That gives me plenty of time to go downtown for a massage I think I want to get before my parents come home.  Through much of yesterday/Sunday, I was trying to see if I should get a massage tonight/Monday night or next week.  It is one of half a dozen things (I wrote it down in my day planner) that I want to do before they come home.  I want to do three of them this week and three next, just so I have plenty of down time/quiet nights at home/nights where I can begin throwing my stuff back into boxes to put them back in storage.

Which things to do and when has become like solving a puzzle.  There are a lot of restrictions I have place on myself because of my OCD.  For example, beyond the 3-and-3 thing, I had a rule where I won't go downtown more than once a workweek.  That's been thrown out the window because there's a chance that I will be going to the Timberwolves Game next week.  If that's the case, and I still want to get a massage, I'll have to go downtown twice this week because I'm going to a concert at First Ave. on Thursday.  Oh, I should go back ... I could have gotten a massage from a place closer to home, but there is no female masseuses working Monday evenings, at least not apparently.  And I can't fit in a massage any day the next two weeks other than Mondays, so even though this place downtown is more expensive, I think my body is worth it, so I'm getting one tonight/Monday night.

Oh, another thing ... there might be a stripper awards party -- yeah, I know, right? -- next Monday night I will go to.  One of my ATFs, *****a, is one of the organizers, and I would like to see her.  But you have to dress up, and the ticket is kind of expensive, so I don't know if I want to go.  If I don't, I will eat at a fancy place downtown -- which is one of the half-dozen things I want to do before my parents come back home.  So you see how I'm trying to make all these things fit, and how it could drive one crazy?

Oh, one final thing -- I have to go to bed now.

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