Monday, February 17, 2025

Dangerously Cold Days

So the next few days (in my opinion) are going to be dangerously cold.  The National Weather Service (President Musk hasn't shut this down yet?) has issued a Cold Weather Advisory, where windchills could get to -35, that started at midnight and technically ends at 10 this/Monday morning.  Then it gets worse: There is an Extreme Cold Watch in effect from midnight tomorrow/Tuesday until 10 a.m. the following morning for windchills that could reach -45.  There are no advisories or some such Wednesday; it'll just be brutally cold and not dangerously cold, with the air temperature finally getting above zero then.  It'll get marginally better Thursday with highs in the teens, and even though that is still cold, I will declare that we'll be out of the (cold) woods by then.  Sunday we're supposed to get above freezing; we will have deserved that after the cold crap we have to get through now.

Damn, that's brutal.  I know that we have suffered through colder.  But one of these nights, I'm scared that I will finally get ... uh, "caught" by it.  Maybe I'll snap and book a vacation to the Caribbean, I don't know.  Or, maybe the car won't start.  Or, scarier still, the furnace blows and I'll have to deal with a cold house and, potentially, frozen pipes.  And on that topic: The central heat has been turning on more frequently tonight, I've noticed, and that damn buzzing continues to come and go.  I'm scared that buzzing is a sign that something is about to break down, and if that's the case, I'm screwed.

Because of the cold and the fear of getting "caught" by it, I've decided to hunker down from now until Wednesday.  I believe that you can't just hibernate all winter; you have to get out at some point.  But weather this cold, even though the Cold Weather Advisory and Extreme Cold Watch will not technically be in effect Monday or Tuesday night, is not the time to brave the weather.  I'm going to work, from work (assuming the car holds up), then staying home.  I had one stripper girlfriend, ****e, hastily agree to a session with us and another girl, ***i*, for tonight/Monday night but I still need a price quote from her, and since she hasn't replied back, I'm just going to not text her at least until Thursday, if not later.  I'm not in the mood for any sexytime in weather this frigid, and I hope ****e feels the same way.

Wish us luck.  And hey, if you're so inclined, pray for us.

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