Monday, February 10, 2025

Assholes At Work Keep Cropping Up

So last Monday I was coming in from my lunchtime nap.  I key myself in and wipe my feet of the snow I trod upon on the mat.  While I was doing that, a technician, apparently finishing her break, gets up off her chair and, while looking at her phone the entire time, walks almost right at me.  She didn't look up, she didn't avoid me, she just kept looking at her phone and walking straight.  That shit pisses me off, but I stepped aside for her.  She did it again later in the week, too.  I tried to get back at her (this first time) by sidling up to her while grabbing some papers next to the door she was going through after she made a beeline right at me.  And goddammit, if she does this again, I have to stand my ground and make her move around me.  I might even push her to the ground so she finally looks up.  I have a right to defend myself!

And then on Wednesday the decrepit old lifer went into the lab with me to cut open packages.  Well, she was opening packages and I was taking the piss-laden specimens out.  And all through my unfortunate time standing next to her, I was reminded how truly selfish she was.  She was on her own time, cutting open packages at her speed, regardless of how long it took me to take out specimens that spilled.  We had dozens of packages she shoved my way, but she kept cutting and cutting and cutting.

Worse than that was how she cut, which was woefully half-ass.  You are trained to cut open a mouth wide enough so that you don't need to fish around in the package to grab them and pull them out.  If they're sufficiently open, all you need to do is lift open the top of the package and reach in.  She did none of that.  Her cuts were small, laughly, insultingly so.  And some times her cuts weren't clean, and so I had to tear open the packages and then tear up the top of the package so I can get at the specimen inside.  Quality of work, and making my life easier, was not her concern, of course.  She kept up her half-ass cutting at her sped up pace.  She did that so she can get through her stay at the lab as quickly as possible.  That was evident when we were dismissed.  She quickly left the station while I thanked everybody and properly took off my gloves and lab coat.  And when I walked out the door, she wasn't the one who kept it open for me.  She was out of there with the quickness, and who gives a shit about the guy who was working alongside her?

I don't know what her deal is, but I am glad I have little to no interaction with her.  Because that was the little I would have with her, and that feels like too much.  I welled up with anger just recalling what she did.  Damn, when the hell is she going to retire?  She's old enough, she's been in the company long enough, and she obviously hates the job.  So why the fuck doesn't she just up and leave?

Stupid-ass workers.

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