I was scheduled yesterday/Wednesday at My Main Department at work. That meant I had to wake up at 5:30 for my start time of 6:30, a full 90 minutes earlier than I usually need to rise. That sucks in and of itself. But they're doing some things new in My Main Department, and I was going to be dropped into the middle of these new procedures. And, well, I wasn't in the mood to figure out what I can't do anymore, where things are now, what I'm responsible for, etc. Add that I would be tired while I'm figuring this all out because I had farmers' hours, and I was dreading going in to work.
What I did not anticipate, however, was that there would be a storm in the mid-South of the country. That's where the shipment of forms, also known as our work, comes from. It apparently blew through late Tuesday and, because they're Southerners who can't overcome winter storms, many of the feeder planes providing the work that would get lumped together into one big shipment that would be flown into MSP were cancelled. That meant that, by my estimation, a quarter of the work that was expected yesterday didn't come.
The other people in My Main Department told me this just as I was about to turn on my computer. My supervisor, who I guess started her day earlier, anticipated that there was just no work for all of us (at least to start out the day; what little that did get flown up here was delayed), so she sent out a department-wide e-mail telling me that I would be in filing, at least until the shipment finally came in.
Now, normally I'm not a fan of filing. But that change actually brightened my mood because I didn't have to do what I feared I was going to do. And once it became clear that this meager delayed shipment would be the only shipment yesterday, I was in filing for the whole day (at least until I was cut by my boss about a half-hour early), and thus I was spared sludging through whatever new crap I had to learn out in My Main Department. There were other benefits that I didn't realize. What I specifically did all day was re-file forms that were taken out of the folder they need to go back into. That involved a lot of sitting down and getting up -- a lot of energy, in other words, and so I was forced to be alert throughout my day. That was good; otherwise, I would be battling drowsiness as I typed away (well, whenever I was grumbling under my breath at figuring out what new thing I needed to re-train myself to do), which would have made the day interminable. Also, all that motion discouraged me from bringing up satellite radio, and lately listening to that pisses me off because I would have naturally gravitated to SiriusXM Progress to learn what new crap President Muskrat has done. I need to unplug from worrying about democracy once in a while, and this change to filing was an unexpected excuse to break away from it.
So, what was a day at work I expected to hate became one I turned out to like a lot. You have to find ways to be grateful every day, you know?
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