Monday, October 10, 2011

OK, I usually like the job that I do on Sundays. But when I get shouted down and told to shut up because I'm confusing people, they make me not like the job anymore.

Thing is, people shout at this job all the time. Moreover, people shout at other people all the time; there's no reason I shouldn't be included. Plus I've worked with these guys, for this company, for six years. If they really didn't like me, they would not have hired me back.

But still, you never know. It's not like I'm part of a union; I can be fired, or not hired for the day, at any time. And I had never been yelled at like that before. Plus, I think the person who actually makes the hires is someone I've worked with only one time before. If he didn't like me, my work or my attitude, I'm done.

But do I care? Should I care? I've been thinking all along that because it's about sports, it's the best job I have. I told my acquaintance friend that I helped get a job today the same thing. But now, after getting unfairly yelled at, I don't feel that same way now. I usually can just let this roll off my back. But not now. If I don't get hired back, do I even want to come back?

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