Sunday, November 21, 2010

Icestorms Are No Goddamn Fun

I hate slippery roads.  That's why I prefer the cold in winter to snow; I'll put on the layers, just let my drive on dry roads.  If it's snowy, I can't steer, and I can't brake, and I get into accidents and I die.

That's another reason why I love living here; it's so cold that icestorms and freezing rain are rare.  Unfortunately, one of those rare times is happening right now.

I was out watching a game at a bar when I started driving back an hour ago.  My first sign that something was wrong tonight, besides the few weather reports I heard about today, was the slippery driveway at My Favorite Stripclub.  I mean it was coated in ice, everywhere.  Then, one of the bartenders reported he was out and about and said that it was so bad out there that "you have to give the guy in front of you a football field" and that one of the highways was closed.

That decided it for me; I left the club.  Why does bad news about driving convince me to immediately go out and drive?  In the past I've done that for torrential rain and snowstorms.  If I were smart, I'd wait it out.  But no, I go charging out like Custer at Little Big Horn.

I decided to take the side streets, and it wasn't too bad.  But when I came through University up through the end of Nordeast, up to the bridge splitting the railway, I saw a line of stalled cars.  I stopped ... and then I didn't stop.  Oh, shit.  I stepped on the brake and was able to finally stop myself just as the car began to veer to the right.  I caught half a breath before seeing there was a car behind me, so I had to goddamn gun it to complete the turn the car began without my permission.

There was no way I could use University now, so I turned around very slowly with the help of a glazed-over driveway and went up Central instead.  I figure that not only are there a lot of traffic lights to deter anyone from going too fast, there's enough car traffic that maybe the roads aren't that slippery.  Not exactly true; I had to use the brake a couple times and my vehicle was skittering.  But I thought the quieter streets leading to the house were going to be the worst, and they weren't.  There were some cars driving, and as I hate to admit it, I think they were being a tad too overcautious.  Of course, I saw police cars and their flashing lights attending to the scenes of many, many crashes.

The only time I was really scared was when I drove up to my driveway.  I had a hell of a time climbing up into my garage, and I was skidding towards my parents' minivan a couple time doing it.  I am not looking forward to work tomorrow morning.  But I thought I had to worry about the streets between here and downtown.  Now, I have to worry about the icy menace lurking just outside on the fucking driveway.

What happened last night overrode what I wanted to talk about tonight, namely how My Fucking Father was being a little bitch again tonight.  Maybe tomorrow.

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