Friday, November 5, 2010

I See Enemies All Around Me Now

Still can't get my mind off Election Day three days ago because I still haven't talked about the Republican sweep in the Minnesota Legislature.

If few people saw Jim Oberstar being defeated in his House race, no one, and I mean no one, thought the GOP would steal back both houses of the state legislative branch from the DFL.  Republicans surmised they had a chance.  But they had, what, two dozen seats they needed to take back both houses.  And by fucking God, they did.  And now the numbers they have over DFLers aren't even close.

Why?  Do Minnesota voters hate President Obama so much that they'll vote Republican all the way down to their state Senator and Representative?  Is it because they saw the polls that gave Mark Dayton the lead over Tom Emmer and wanted the Minnesota Legislature to flip red to blunt the actions of a DFL-led executive branch -- in other words, to throw the entire state, six billion dollars in debt, into gridlock?  Or, worst of all -- is this state, a state that has been a bastion of liberalism all my life, the only state that has voted for the Democratic nominee for President the last 38 years, is slowly turning, ugh, conservative?

These questions and fears have haunted me ever since I witnessed Tuesday's bloodbath.  I've been, for the most part, housebound the previous two days, trying to paint the shed, surfing the Internet and working out, all the way dazed at the goddamn flurry of punches me and other common sense people got by the ignorant among us.

But I had to "work" today, and everywhere I went I saw the worst in the strangers surrounding me.  Let me take what I said in the last paragraph-plus back; this all started when I was helping Grandmother get stuff at the grocery store Wednesday.  There were two guys proudly wearing NRA gear and the "I Voted" sticker on them.  They didn't do anything to me, didn't even sneer at me, even though I expected to because I was colored.  They certainly had a lot to crow about, and I don't think these gun nuts would be so goddamn proud that they voted if the candidates they voted for lost.  Shoot, I'm convincing myself they were trying to intimidate people.

It felt like everybody was trying to intimidate me today.  This girl named Elizabeth at the McDonald's closest to my house, I tried to hurry up and give her exact change, and even though I hadn't picked through the pile of coins I had to find the exact amount, she already rang me up and was asking for the next person in line.  I had to tell the person behind me, "I'm not done."  Thanks for nothing, Elizabeth, you bitch.  Has this got anything to do with Election Day?

And then walking to the U. there was another bitch (I don't hate women, honest, I really, really love women -- I love their titties and their twats and want to see them naked all the time because they can touch my cock) who not only was walking past me because she was walking faster but she cut me off, like a car does on the highway, for no reason.  There wasn't anyone coming our way, she wanted to get in front of me because she wanted to send the message that she didn't like how "slow" I was walking.  Like the teabaggers voting to "send a message" that they don't like Obamacare, even though the health insurance we're getting right now is going to bankrupt all of us.  Is she a teabagger?  I think she's a teabagger.

Or maybe these two ladies did vote Democrat and are pissed off that they lost, alongside me.

Maybe I'm paranoid.

These are dark times.  But am I in the darkness, or is the darkness in me?

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