Monday, August 25, 2014

Well, At Least *He's* Got My Back

Sunday for brunch I had to take in a meeting with the only other guy on the board.  It was important because, even though our meetings have been infrequent (although, to be honest, there really isn't a whole lot we needed to talk about over the spring and summer), we needed to talk at some point.  There was no better time than now because 1) football season is heating up and 2) I feel embattled and besieged at my job.

So after dispensing with actual news -- is the bar set up, how's the money situation, neither of us can go to Los Angeles -- I finally dove into the crux of the meeting, or at least what I wanted to get out of it: How was I felt disrespected and betrayed at my job in light of the party we had last month.  I did fall on my sword and was honest in thinking that if people were so unhappy with my performance I could just quit.  But he reassured me that 1) I was overreacting, 2) if they were so goddamn unhappy then can show up next year and run for the board, unlike last year when we were the only two people who showed up, and 3) I shouldn't beat myself up over screwing the pooch planning the party.

I was afraid that he was going to rip me a new asshole for what I did and didn't do last month, so having that show of support from the only other person who is in a position of authority made me feel a lot better.  I don't know if I can call him a friend per se, but at least I know someone who's on my side.  And besides, because he totally forgot about our first meeting time earlier this month, he paid for brunch.  What a swell guy!

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