Monday, August 11, 2014

Preview Of The Week: The Enemies In The Shadows

I was lolling around in bed this evening because I sensed that although I was not too tired to do something, I didn't have the energy to do anything more than try to fall asleep.  Does that make sense?  I did fall asleep listening to the ESPN Radio Sunday Night Baseball game where The Bastard Boston-By-Way-Of-Milwaukee Braves beat The Bastard Montreal Expos 3-1.

When I came to, I realized that this week seems copacetic on the surface, but if I'm not careful, this week could get away from me very, very quickly.  And since I usually am not careful, I am afraid something will blindside me, and I will get to the end of the week regretting not doing something I should have done.

But what could that be?  Let me think aloud and put what I think could or should be done here.  Obviously this is not a complete list, because if it were complete, I would not be afraid to be blindsided this week:

  • The things regarding the club are still up in the air.  For example, I haven't apologized to my predecessor for making him step in for the party yet.  Still don't want to freak him for saying sorry about things he truly doesn't think I should be sorry for.  But still there's the chance that he thinks I should be saying something and that he doesn't think I'm doing my job of taking care of things.  So until a bolt of lightning strikes me with the perfect thing to say, I'll keep kicking around ideas in my head.
  • The host I apologized to on facebook has not replied yet.  It appeared that, for some time, she did not even see it, if not seeing a "Seen" timestamp is any indication.  But I checked just now and, yes, she did see it.  Back on Wednesday, in fact.  It's technically Monday now.  If she hasn't replied to me, I can only think of three things: 1) She's tremendously busy; 2) She has no clue why in the hell I'm saying sorry to her that she just doesn't know what to say; or 3) She really is upset with my and the club's conduct at her place (unbeknownst to me, I'll say again) and she no longer cares to speak with me.  I felt better knowing that she hadn't seen my message yet.  Now I don't know what to do.
  • I am not totally convinced that we have a spot to see football games.  This past weekend I stopped by the place.  The manager wasn't there, but a waitress who recognized me was, and she assured me that we can see our games here.  I'm just about ready to start declaring dates and stuff, but I'm not exactly exactly sure.  And I need to be, because if we don't have a spot, especially this close to football season, we're fucked.
  • Online classes at the University of Minnesota begin the 15th of every month -- so if I want to take a class, I'll have to enroll this week.  But what?  This takes on added urgency because I'll need to lean on my folks to pay for a class, and they'll be out of the country for what could be the next six months.  Hard to get them to pay things when they're half a world away.  But I have to go back to, What the hell class would I take?
  • The car isn't getting any better, although the Check Engine light never came on Thursday or Friday, thank God.  But I'm back at the flu biller place today (Monday), and even though it's close to home, I'm sure it's going to light up.  And Buddha forbid it actually conks out this time (the car shuddered badly when I tried to put the gas down Sunday afternoon); although these guys know me, it's not the best impression to be out a car to begin the project.
  • There's a woman I should call that could help me with a read on a new job.  There's a sports company that is hiring that I should apply to.  Haven't yet 'cause I'm lazy.
  • Oh yeah -- this guy who was with the testing project a few months ago offered me this writing position.  I said at the time I was interested, but I then e-mailed my apologies that I was too busy to do it at this time.  I should revisit that statement; I hadn't delved into it too much to make an actually informed decision, and in the meantime I should say hello to make sure he isn't pissed at me.  Communication Is The Key To Life ... ?
  • And I wanted to fill out my monthly expense list in my Franklin Quest, too.
Well, that's all the shit I should be doing this week.  And even if I did all of this -- which I probably won't -- there'll be something else important that I failed to do.  It's like as if all this bad shit's just waiting for me to pass through a dark room so they can jump me.  I feel as if bad things -- karma perhaps -- are conspiring against me, making sure I fail.  I'm doing my best with my limited abilities and vision, but I still feel as if Something Out There has the upper hand.  And this week, when things seem to be good at first blush, would be the perfect time to pounce and screw me over.

Have to go to bed.  Have a new job in the morning.  'Night.

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