Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So I finally participated in the study that I postponed a couple times with this chick I think is hot with the secretly-slutty librarian sunglasses and nice chest. The study consisted of listening to a word said three times, the first and third time voiced by the same person, and you needed to push a button indicating which word sounded closest to the second word.

They sounded so similar that most of the time I was guessing. Moreover, I started to fall asleep. Maybe it was the experiment, maybe it was the time of day (I usually take a nap between the late afternoon and early evening, at least for nwo), but I fell in and out of consciousness for much of the study, and it led me to not pay attention and even push the wrong button a few times.

When I got done, I didn't have to leave the soundproof booth; she actually came over and opened it for me. I've been in this room before; I forget that there's a computer outside the booth that shows the exact same thing I'm looking at. Seeing that she can virtually see what I was doing in there, I'm scared that she could see, or at least tell, that I was leaning one way or the other because I passed out, or that I took long pauses when I said, "Oh shit" to myself for pushing the wrong button.

Maybe that's why, when I was done with the study, she was at her computer looking at her things when I left. Didn't you open the door for me, or at least stand up, when I left the last time? There's a chance, she said, that there could be more experiments in the future. But from the way she kind of blew me off, I shouldn't hold my breath. And I guess this also means we're not getting together.

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