Monday, August 2, 2010

Bitch, Why You Calling Me So Early???

Grandmother rapped my door. When I opened it, she stuck out a telephone. Thought it was some person trying to speak to her in English.

When I answered, I was surprised that it was for me. It's the dentist's office, and they wanted to schedule an appointment because, as the receptionist put it, "October's schedule just opened up and it's filling fast."

She volunteered a date. I said, "Well, I have trouble planning two months ahead, but ..."

"But it just opened up and it's filling fast!"

Don't snap at me, fool. "I'm not trying to be glib, I think October [I forgot what date it was, this is why scheduling something over the phone is useless because I have no way to write it down, how stupid of her] seems fine."

When I go back to bed I check my phone. It's 8:15. A quarter after eight in the fucking morning. You fucking kidding me? Who in the hell calls somebody so goddamn early? Isn't there some sort of rule where you don't call someone before, like, 10 unless it's an emergency? If there isn't there should be.

I think I've heard that voice before. I think I know who it is. It's that bitch receptionist that handles the scheduling for my dentist and everyone in her group. Had to speak with her the last time I came in for an appointment -- curt, dismissive, bad tone in her voice, and she refused to make eye contact with until she said goodbye to me. The hallmarks of a person who just doesn't give a shit, and I believe, I truly believe, she was the one who called me. In fact, I think she likes to piss people off by calling so early in the morning, just to be passive-aggressive and spread her feelings of misery to everyone she come in contact with. It's the only way she gets through her day.

Swear to fucking God if I see her again in October I'll give her a piece of my mind. What the hell was she thinking? I should call her up at a quarter after 1 in the morning, see if she likes that. Damn her.

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