Friday, January 7, 2011

My Latest Obsession: The Garage Door

I spent most of the fucking day today trying to fix the goddamn garage door.  I have no idea how to fix it.  I'm still kind of peeved Father is making me do it.  He thinks I can just make Chamberlain send an entire new apparatus because we have a ten-year warranty, whatever.  But if he's making me do it by my damn self, I'm gonna do this my own damn way.  And that damn way consisted of calling the company twice this afternoon to figure out what the hell is going on.  I'm not close.

Here are the things I could, and should, be doing instead of fixing this garage door:
  • Filling out my PCA timesheets.  I was sent new ones because of the new year, but I can't find the packet they came in.  They're in this bedroom somewhere. ...
  • I need to call this guy back.  Not a friend -- he was a guy I stared talking to.  He seemed cool ... until he told me about his business where he gets to set his own hours and still makes boupcoup bucks and I should totally tell you about it so you can get in on the ground floor, and at no money down!!!  Well, he didn't say the no money down part.  Anyway, I owe it to him to give him at least a meeting.  That was about a month ago.  I had time this week ... until the fucking garage door went to shit.
  • I haven't been able to fill out a to-do list in my Franklin Quest this month because I haven't been able to swap out my sheets for the months of December still in it, and I haven't been able to do that because I haven't filled out that month's expense sheet yet.  Today or tomorrow would've been a good day to do it.
  • Write, gotta write ... well, I'm doing that anyway because I have to.
  • I could clean up my room ... oh, who am I kidding, I wouldn't've done that anyway.
  • Ah, yes ... letters came in a few weeks ago stating that the stock settlement claim forms I helped my parents fill out have been partially and/or completely rejected, and that I have to appeal or else those findings would stand.  I totally forgot about them till yesterday, and the due date for mailing back any further information supporting my parents' side is ... uh, was Thursday/yesterday.  If I recall correctly, and I do hope I recall correctly, I sent those claim forms in knowing that I did all I could, and I just didn't have the complete information to give the law firm handling this settlement.  I might have to go to my storage space to see if I have any of folks' old statements there.
  • I could send in My Father's winning sportsbook tickets.  He had a lot of winners his last trip to Vegas.  I called him with some picks.  I didn't see any of them in there, so I think he's the one that has a handle on this betting thing.  Anyway, as soon as I'm able to write down the amount of money I expect the casino to return, I'll send them.
At the end of my second call, the Chamberlain customer service representative told me that what I should do is a short-wire test.  Didn't get all the details, but I think I was told to take out the sensors, cut some wire, strip some wire, hook them up at the motor and see if they work then.  But what if it does and I can't put the sensors back where they're supposed to be?

I think I'm over this.  Or I will be very soon.

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