Sunday, March 20, 2011

Too Late For Work Burn

I can drudge up a bad memory:

Happened about a month ago. There's enough distance from the incident so I won't get caught. Hopefully.

At "work" at the U. there was a little, uh, sabbatical from the series of runs I was doing for my "boss" and the person administrating for her. We were finishing up, but there was some work left for me, but he didn't know exactly when, so in the meantime I had this mini-experiment with another worker there who once worked for my "boss." You get that? Don't worry; it's possible that I have the timeline wrong and the last time I "worked" there was this abbreivated session.

Anyway, one would think they would try to get there on time. I've broken that convention most of times at this lab. But I kind of -- kind of -- wanted this time to be special because this may be the only time I "work" for her; no use being late if you're only working that one time. Well, for some reason -- I looked back in my day planner and I didn't write how much lunch was, so I maybe didn't eat beforehand -- I got there 10 minutes late. She didn't bitch at me when I got there. She never had.

I was getting near the end of this run. Don't know exactly how to describe this, but there are a series of bloops and bleeps, and depending on the type of bloop and bleep measured, there usually is a run of them that you go through. There are stops in the middle where the program prompts you to either continue the experiment or end it. Those are natural times, if you're at the end of the day, to quit.

However, in this particular experiment was that there is a running count of how many of these "runs" are left. There's the possibility that she would have more controls consisting of another series of "runs" for me, but if that were the case I would have to come back another time. At the top of the hour, when I would have been done save for the fact that I was late and I kind of felt bad, I had about two whole runs remaining. Do I leave them because there might be another subject who's coming in right after me?

After debating, I thought I could finish them quickly enough. I didn't see anyone outside, I felt bad for coming in late so I wanted to make up for it, and there was a possibility there were no runs after I finished what I was doing.

So I try and barrel through, and then I hear the huge, big door open from behind me. It's her. She's says something to the effect of, "Hey, I see you only have two of those things left. Can you stay a little long to finish these? I have nothing more after this. I mean, you did come a little late. ..."

Well. She wasn't telepathing, I guess. And I'm still shocked -- shocked, I tell you! -- to be semi-scolded like that.

Oh well. Haven't heard from her or from anyone else in the lab since. Was told that experiments could go on indefinitely because there's so much to hear. Oh well. ...

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