Monday, December 24, 2012

If I Die

Went to My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Division) for their annual Christmas Eve blowout party.  On my way in, I slip on the ice on the parking lot and fall on my left hip and shoulder.

It didn't hurt at first, although I was a little crabby.  But then I exhaled really hard and I felt something on my left shoulder.  And then I started to move my chest and arm and shoulders around it hurt all around.  And then I felt it in my hip pointer.  And now it still hurts.

I have slipped on ice before, but not in the past, oh, half-decade at least.  I don't remember hurting this long after a fall ever.  Must be old age.

So I have just swallowed four baby aspirin.  A couple of the strippers say I should take ibuprofen, but this baby aspirin is the only thing I have around the house now.  I think I'll take a nap and see where it takes me. I hope it doesn't get worse, otherwise I'll have to go see a doctor.

It's a beautiful Christmas Eve, isn't it?  It's really bleeping cold, but I took a few minutes to listen to this heartbreaking story on National Public Radio about a woman living in the name of her son who passed away when he was only three years old, and I noticed that the night was really radiant.  The reason it's so cold outside is that there are no clouds in the sky.  And the gibbous moon is pure and bright and so, so pretty.  A really bad night to die.

Oh, and a Merry Christmas to everyone.

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