Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas In Solitude

I ate too much yesterday, Christmas Eve.  Per self-tradition, I went to Southdale.  Breaking from self-tradition, I treated myself to a Pecanbon at Cinnabon (the first time I ever had one -- all their stuff is tasty, it's just too expensive to buy on a regular basis) and a Caribou mocha (even though the local company sold itself out to a German company last week) when I usually don't get anything.  Well, sometimes I get a mocha at Caribou ... scratch that.

I shouldn't have eaten because at the Christmas party at My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Version) after going to Southdale I pigged out on sloppy joes, ham, macaroni-and-cheese and chicken.  This totally wipes out the exercise Sunday night -- although, thinking about it, eating chicken at My Favorite Italian Place after the gym probably wiped out the exercise.  Anyway, I am so full that I haven't eaten anything today except a bag of chips.

So, what did I do yesterday?  Southdale, the Christmas stripper party, then home.  I would've gone out if there was, say a strip club to go to, but no one was open, so I stayed home.  Feel kind of bad I didn't watch It's A Wonderful Life; I instead dinked around the Internet and watched a Hawai'i Five-O rerun from, weirdly, last season.  I vacillated between trying to sleep early and doing the laundry.  That damn new dryer does not dry my clothes.  I've had to use that thing three times, and it still doesn't work!  Anyway, I checked that there were no reruns of talk shows last night (there weren't, all replaced by religious Christmas specials), then I stayed up working the Internet until I finally saw the overnight news.


OK, so what did I do today?  Woke up around 11, operated the dryer one more time, found that the clothes were still wet, gave up, and took them out to fold.  Meanwhile I was listening, then watching, the NBA.  Man, if there was a playoff in college football, the semifinals today (or, even better, yesterday) would be great to watch.

After eating those chips, something happened to me that I didn't expect, but had grown accustomed to: I felt really, really sleepy in the afternoon and took a nap.  I had six hours this morning, so why would I feel tired now?  Well, it is winter, and usually I would be able to take a nap every afternoon.  But I haven't this winter, partially due to the job, partially because my parents wouldn't let me.  But I have no job anymore, and where are my folks?  Yep, not here.  So I rolled into bed past 4, turned away from the TV I kept on as I turned away from the Knicks-Lakers game, then woke up around 7 to see the end of the Thunder-Heat game.

Besides just relaxing, I haven't done anything Christmas-y, and I regretted that, so to get into the occasion of the holiday (which, to be honest, feels like a regular night; really, the holiday starts at sundown Christmas Eve and lasts through sundown today, and thinking about it, there is some activity outside today), I put on the classic How The Grinch Stole Christmas in the background while I tool around the 'Net.  Never seen it before, and honestly, it ain't my bag.  I don't know if I was ever charmed by it when I was young, but now, the made-up words are a turn-off.  After blogging this I think I'll re-heat some ribs, try and make a cuba libre (I even bought a lime), and listen to the NBA on satellite radio.


So I spent this Christmas Eve night and Day alone.  And you know what?  That's fine by me.  Really, it is.  Since I got to, oh, junior high, my family was too tired to get the Christmas tree, decorate the Christmas tree, and even wrap gifts.  Pretty soon we just gave each other unwrapped gifts on Christmas, and then as we got older we just gave them as soon as we saw each other after the holidays.  And now, since my folks try to leave for Vegas this time each year, we've even dropped the charade of giving gifts.

I speak for myself when I say that, although I was told that Christmas is the most important day of the year -- and I believe it -- it's always been a religious/Christian holiday to me.  And since we're Buddhist, I always approached the holiday on a remove, like celebrating it was something I didn't have a right to do.  Then again, not "celebrating" Christmas may be a product of my fundamental laziness.  Either way, I'm OK just not doing anything.  To me, it's a holiday.

The best thing about today, by the way, is that my parents aren't here.  I love them, but I hate them.  Well, I hate them being around me.  I had nothing to do these past few days, and if my folks were here, they would hound me into finding something to do, and I would despise them.  I already have to worry about the day they come back and me not having a job and them, gulp, giving up The Store for good.  Then what?  I don't enjoy spending time with my parents.  What I have now, this Christmas In Solitude, is what I need to replenish my soul.


Oh, by the way, I'm starting to appreciate Christmas songs more, although I will admit that I don't seek out the Christmas stations, either the free ones or the channels on satellite radio.  And you know, on the radio this season I haven't heard a Christmas song that I started to appreciate working at Macy's last holiday season: John Mellencamp's rocking version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus."  I didn't hear one of my favorite Christmas songs on the radio last year, the classic version of "The Little Drummer Boy," but on, I think, Sunday night, when I tried using my sister's radio for the first time in a long time (I am sleeping in my sister's bedroom because I prefer it to the one I'm in now, which is Grandmother's), I heard it on the oldies station that flips to the holiday format for the season.

By the way, here is Mellencamp's video.  Love Little Bastard's hair, by the way.  If it were today, and that hair was on a woman, I would be aroused by her:

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