Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Now I Don't Know When I'll Lose My Job

So maybe I shouldn't've slow-footed it the past couple weeks at work.  I could have, and maybe should have, worked faster on getting through the claims.  Before I was worried that I wouldn't have enough work and they would cut me.  But I didn't realize that there was more work.  It just had to be, uh, treated by the other temps before it came down the assembly line to me.

I realized this on Friday, when I popped my head in to find something.  What were once empty Tupperware boxes were now filled with folders and folders.  I thought I had emptied them early last week, but alas, they were full again.

Which leads me to the problem for me going the other way, in a sense: Too much work.  When my assignment here was extended, I was told that Friday would be my last day.  But with what I have at my cubicle, combined with what is waiting for me in the other room, it will take more than two days to do it all, even if I do go faster, and even if I cut corners.

So, I might have to stay past Friday to complete all of this.  That's not totally a bad thing; I need the money.  But I have had dreams of taking the bus downtown on Tuesday to My Favorite Stripclub (Cover Edition) for the first time in almost a year and getting a long-awaited handjob from this killer blonde.  Oh well; my parents will be gone for a while, so I can do it after New Year's.

Or, I will leave on Friday without all the work getting done.  Maybe they won't care, but maybe people, particularly my superiors, would wonder why I couldn't get all this shit finished before my stay was over.  It's possible that I would get a poor performance report after all of this.  Who knows?

The problem is is that my immediate boss won't be around the rest of the week to let me know when I'm done.  I was in the middle of a packet near the end of day today, one that really got my attention (and so I was really, really working then), when my boss told me he wasn't going to be in tomorrow and Friday.  I don't know if he remembered that, at least according to him, we won't be here by the time he gets back on Monday.  Unless we'll still be here on Monday.  Who knows?  He didn't tell us.

I remembered this when he told me he was going to be on vacation.  But I didn't bring it up because, well, I didn't want to bring it up.  And maybe I could act all casual and come back on Monday like I'm supposed to.  Who knows?  That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

I am not saying that people there aren't minding the tiller.  In fact, after initial negative judgments about him, I really appreciate the fact that my supervisor trusts me to get the work done without hovering all over me.  Now, I take advantage of him leaving me alone by taking a few trips down the stairs or re-counting claims that don't need to be re-counted, but I think he may very well be the best boss I've ever had as a temp.  Today he even brought in cupcakes he made, which he has done from time to time ... and they're damn good!!!

But that let-them-be attitude may be the reason why he told me he was on vacation and didn't tell me whether I was going to be on a permanent vacation.  Well, that might be up to his boss, who's still going to be around.  And really, I might have to consult my contact at the temp agency.  It would suck if I came in on Monday when everybody just agreed that I was done on Friday and didn't tell me.  But bad communication is no excuse for avoiding the touchy topic of when I get laid off.  We'll see.

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