Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nightmare -- Well, Sort Of ... OK, Not Really

So I fell asleep right before 8 and woke up around 4:30.  Great night of sleep, unfortunately I woke up too early.  So I lolled around bed before I decided I needed to get up.

I did fall back asleep, although I think it was at most 30 minutes and more like ten.  When something like this happens, where I fall dead asleep early in the day and I manage to fall back to sleep for a catnap, the catnap is where I have a vivid dream/nightmare.

I remember parts clearly, I just don't know if there's more to it.  I was at a video arcade and they were closing down, but I was enraptured by it, so much so that I asked the person in charge, "Can you just shut this game off for me?"

And when I was walking to the exit (I guess the manager did what I asked), in front of me there either were a couple guys shoving each other towards the door or someone working there shoving an unruly customer to the door.

And that's it.

Got to go to work.

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