Monday, June 30, 2014

The Temps Hate Me

There are a lot of temps that work at the place I work at now.  In fact I think my department is all temps.  And it's weird that I have not spoken to any of them, virtually not once, since I began working there.

And I think I know the reason why: They're assholes.

I'm not sure how many there are -- probably about a dozen, but don't quote me on that.  I think my supervisor heads up all of us temps.  We are cubicle creatures: We get in, sit in our chairs and we're staring at computer screens or phones for the next eight-and-a-half hours.  Unlike my flu biller job, for example, there is no reason for any of us to interact.  Now, that's not to say that we don't.  They do, or at least some of them do, but there really has been only two times I have ever interacted with any of the other temps.

One of them was one of the people doing my job, but that was when my supervisor took me around the office my first day there and introduced him to me, and we shook hands.  We have not spoken since.  The other time was when this guy asked me if I needed any help making a new pot of coffee.  I politely declined because I thought I knew how to do it because, well, I'm a man and a man don't ask for help.  Well, the week I left on vacation (I'll get to that in another post) I was coming into the office from the men's room and held the door open for him, and he didn't say thank you.  Is this silent treatment we're giving each other going to extend to manners?  Or is he mad that I didn't accept his help (or make eye contact with him while declining it) when I made coffee?  If the latter's true, man, that's a dick move.

But a bigger, less ambiguous dick move came from this woman who works to my three o'clock.  Very early on I noticed that while she calls people, she has an Internet window up on her screen.  For the first couple weeks all she was looking up were photos of Kate Middleton.  Seriously.  I'm not kidding.  She's moved on to other pictures, but it's mostly pictures.  Guess it ain't the most professional thing in the world, but my supervisor has said that as long as it doesn't damage your productivity and that you're not just surfing online, you can do it.  I've been doing it too.

Whatever, she's weird, I didn't think much of that, or her, beyond that psycho quirk.  But then I decided I wanted a late afternoon coffee run.  She dove into the elevator just before the doors were about to close.  I was standing by the buttons; she stopped at the back of the elevator.  But as we were going down -- and I hate this -- she creeps back towards the front of the door, almost flush besides me, as if she needs to get out of the elevator first.  I don't like that.  I think that's rude and unnecessary.  We're going down at the same speed, babe, and it's pretty fast, so any place you need to go, you'll get there.  Trust me.

To demonstrate that fact -- no, it's just to block her and piss her off -- I rotated myself kind of front of her, telling her with my body that, woman, I'm leaving first.  And I did.  We were going different directions, but I was determined to leave that elevator first.  Suck on that.

Now I await the consequences.  I don't know how social she is at work, but she has to be much more so than I.  Also to my detriment is my absence for the past one-and-a-half weeks because of vacation (yes, I'll get to that some point soon).  I wouldn't put it past her that she blabbed, "You know that guy sitting there, that guy who doesn't talk to anyone?  He pushed in front of me to get out of the elevator first!"  Sure, that's the way it totally happened.  You were never pushy, Kate Middleton Stalker.  Right.  For all I know she's gotten all the other temps on her side against me.  And I'll be outnumbered and forced out of my job despite the fact that WE'RE ALL JUST FUCKING TEMPS AND IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE WE'RE GOING TO LOSE THESE JOBS ANYWAY!!!

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