Friday, June 6, 2014

Right Hip's Bothering (Well, Bothered) Me

For the second time in about seven weeks, I have (well, actually had) this intense pain in the joint of my right hip.  I try walking, and when I have to plant my right leg I almost buckle.  It has (well, actually had) gotten to the point where, when I'm putting pants on, when I have to shoot my left leg through, I would either have to lean against the wall or, when I'm in my bedroom, sit on the corner of the bed.

The first time happened at the beginning of the test scoring project.  That leadership position necessitated a lot of walking, and so when I had to go around the room, everyone could see me walking with a limp.  At least only one person, the weirdo that pissed me off, acknowledged it.  (Just saw that in that blog post I said it was my bum foot.  I was totally wrong; it was the hip then, and I don't know why I didn't say or detect that then.)  Weird: I started the project walking with a bad hip, and I ended it getting humbled with allergies.

My current workplace isn't helping my hip.  Seems as if it comes on when I sleep a lot, like I did last weekend (boo), and sitting in place only makes it worse.  Unfortunately there is no reason for me to walk around in this new job unless I am slacking off.  Also, this time around my supervisor noticed it.

However, since yesterday (Thursday morning) it has gotten appreciably better.  Maybe the fact that I sleep less, about five or six hours the previous two nights, alleviates the pain.  If it's gone, that's great ... but somehow I feel bad that I didn't write about it sooner.

Oh, well.  Have less than half an hour to file this.

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