Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Where I'm Reminded I'm A Temp

All day today (Wednesday) I was trying to figure out the best way to ask my supervisor that my family decided we needed to shift the days of our roadtrip and therefore have to ask for more days off, seven instead of five.  At the end I created a story in my head, just in case my supervisor questions how my family came up with that change, that I checked my messages on my phone just before the lunch hour and I got news that the family wanted to leave earlier in the month than previously scheduled.  And since 1) I think my supe doesn't mind communicating via e-mail even though our cubicles are 20 feet away from each other, 2) I'm afraid of telling this new news to her face-to-face if she doesn't like it, and 3) she may be younger than me, so young that she's one of those millennials that love to communicate indirectly and not be bothered by human contact (for all I know she could be 40, so I could totally be wrong about her), I decided to just e-mail her immediately before I went to lunch.  If she's mad, she wouldn't be able to do anything about it because I'm out to lunch.

When I got back, however, there was no such outburst, just an e-mail saying she needs to run it by her boss.  Then, near the end of the day, I got another e-mail from her saying that that's OK ... and then that we are going though the data entry pretty fast.  There is, like, three or four other people doing what I'm doing, and I am "the last guy in," so to speak, even though I think the other people are also temps.  My supervisor says they're going to be switched to other projects where they're needed, but if we continue to enter these ... "things" faster than they're coming in, I'll be let go.

Oh, that's right -- I'm a temp.

Stupid me, I thought I could work here through the summer before the flu billing position gets back to hiring again.  I kind of was led to believe that to be the case in our meeting on my first day at work.  But here I am, less than two weeks into what I thought was an ongoing project, and I might be let go.  That means only one thing: I will be let go, and soon.

She said she'll run the numbers Monday.  I want to take her at her word, so I think I'll be at work Monday.  Logically, if the work is running out, I will be told that I am done as soon as I have to start the family vacation, so don't come back, so last week would be the end.  If I can't continue on this job through the rest of the summer, I hope that, somehow, the end comes when my folks leave on another vacation around the 4th of July.  That'll give me time to finally get this surgery and done and find some work.  Finally, although I want to believe they're good people, there's always the chance that I could be let go before Monday -- say, for example, Friday, or even tomorrow (Thursday).

Maybe I should go back to school so I can stop being at temp.

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