Thursday, April 16, 2020

We've Had Some Fucked-Up Weather Lately

This is, theoretically at least, springtime.  And it's not as if there can't be so weird, wild weather this month.  In fact, last April we were hit with three blizzards that almost broke me.

And yet I don't think I've seen weather this type of weird as I have twice in the past week.  On a few/several days, especially both last Thursday (I think; I don't remember, but looking at this list of past weather reports and looking at both the snowfall and the snow records, it had to be last Thursday) and then on Monday, the weather alternated between sunny and ... not.  When it wasn't sunny, it wasn't just cloudy; snow came down, heavy at times, and the wind was howling.

I point out last Thursday and Monday because I was victim to it.  On both afternoons I walked around Lakewood (ETA at 1:34 a.m. on April 17 that I recollected incorrectly -- I was not at Lakewood Cemetery on Monday; I was checking a park closer to my workplace because I needed to find a place to videochat with my therapist besides my house, and the park close to home did not pick up wi-fi.  Sadly, this park had no wi-fi either; nevertheless I took a walk anyway), and it just so happened that the weather turned from great and warm to ... not just as I was walking.  It was ridiculous at how bad and wintry it was.  The wind was blowing into my face, and the snow was coming at me sideways and accumulating on my jacket and shoes.  And the thing that pissed me off was that it was sunny when I parked at the cemetery, and as I laid there listening to The Common Man, and when I left the car to start my walk.  And, I think, once I aborted my walk, ran back into my car and started the engine, the wind stopped blowing, the snow abated, and the clouds cleared -- and I'll be goddamned, it was a sunny day, a glorious one even.  Fucking ridiculous.

I hate weather that isn't consistent.  You are either sunny or cloudy for the entire day.  I don't like intermittent clouds and sun; the day can't make up its mind.  And do you know when it's raining but you can the sun in the distance?  I fucking hate that shit.

So what happened in the past week, that was absolutely goddamn crazy.  I think -- I think -- that the weather will get warmer and so we won't get that weird weather.  I hope, because that shit-ass weather should be illegal.

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