Friday, April 3, 2020

Three-Day Vacation ... Has Already Started!!!

I decided to take today off.  Again, my job really isn't that "essential," and if I am going to #stayhomesaveslives, I should put my money where my mouth is.  After I got home from eating drive-thru, walking in the cemetery, depositing money for my parents in a bank and shopping at Target and Cub, I don't plan on being outside at all until I go back to work on Monday.

After dinner last night, I pulled up the covers in my bed at, I think, around 5 ... and slept until 12:30.  And this is after a hard nap in the car at Lakewood between 12:45-1 until 2, and I mean a hard nap.  I've been averaging less than four hours of sleep per night, but I paid my sleep debt off just now, and then some, I believe.

But since I woke up technically on Friday and forgot to spin the wheel at Facebook's Texas Hold 'Em Poker, I back down to square one, aka Day 1/10%.  Boo.  Whatever.

Oh, and the first thing I did after I woke up at 12:30 was to look through my phone, realize that I woke up at 12:30, then scroll through my phone for the next 90 Minutes.  I could have taken a shower, which is something I planned on doing every day after leaving the house -- you know, just to make sure I showered off all the virus -- but I peeled my eyeballs off my phone at 2 in the morning, and with Father potentially making breakfast at 4, and with needing a lot of time now to get my big hair dry ... well, I'm going to risk infection and not shower till tomorrow.  Whoops.  But I will brush my teeth, since I didn't get around to eating the banana and pastry Father packed for me for lunch for which I never eat at work for lunch.

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