Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Things Fall Apart -- Again

So Monday night Father is trying to repair this leak from our old copper pipe in the basement.  He bought some pipe repair kit contraption, the instructions to which he couldn't understand because they were in English.  He asked for my help, but I couldn't understand the instructions because I couldn't understand them.  I remember when there was a pinhole leak in the same copper piping some years back when my parents weren't here, and ... frankly, I don't remember how I dealt with it before Father came home from Las Vegas to fix it.  I don't remember if I tried fixing it myself, but if I did, I failed.  At any rate, I came home from work yesterday/Tuesday and he didn't seem to be working on the pipes, so I guess it worked, or something.

Later last/Tuesday night I tried to open and clothes my blinds, but instead of opening and closing, one side of the blinds moved up and down.  Often you see the bottom of blinds be crooked.  Nope -- for mine in my bedroom, the top of my blinds are.  And I finally saw tonight that a string holding up one section of the top of the blinds snapped.  I don't know what to do besides keeping the blinds closed so that no one sees.  I don't want Father to fix it because that means going into my bedroom, where he eventually will tell me to clean my damn room again, pffft.

Oh, and I lost my set of keys, the one that has the key that opens the desk drawer to my porn and the one to my storage unit.  I have another set, but I want to find my first set.  I hope they'll turn up; they sort of seem to do that.  But I looked through the pants that I wore and they're not there.  Did they fall in the car?  Did they make it to the washing machine?  Hell if I know.

Yeah, things are falling apart now.

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