Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Addendum To: Jesus Christ, Man, There's Jelly In The Fridge, Too!

And I blog post the previous day to see that, for lunch yesterday/Tuesday, Father made me a sandwich not with peanut butter but with jelly, thus doing the exact opposite of what he has done all these many days and weeks and years.  But since it's still a sandwich with just one ingredient in it, and since it is still missing its other half, I had to complete the sandwich, this time with peanut butter, a new jar of which I had to break open.

Oh, and I ate it after I woke up at 3:30 after sleeping for for five hours.  I'm awake now, just a few hours before I have to go to work.  I hope I can fall back asleep.

So why did Father pull this switcheroo on me?  And why does he still not understand it's peanut butter and jelly?

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