Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Jesus Christ, Man, There's Jelly In The Fridge, Too!

I probably have blog posted about this before, but in case I haven't, I will risk repeating myself.

Ever since my parents have come home, Father has packed a lunch for me for work.  As I have said many, many times before, I don't need food at work, but he packs it anyway, and I can't afford my own place.

He has changed it up in the past, but so far, and what I anticipate what he'll do until they leave, his lunch for me is a banana and a peanut butter sandwich.  Not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but a peanut butter sandwich.  This despite us having a squeeze bottle of grape jelly (which I found at work; once again, someone brought food for us to take) which I know he has noticed.

What's the use of a peanut butter sandwich?  Peanut butter and jelly go together.  In fact, without the other, each of them is kind of pointless.  And just peanut butter on a sandwich is extremely useless.  You need at least two things inbetween two pieces of bread like that.  It's a law, or at least it should be.  Otherwise, you may as well just eat the bread out of its bag and then the PB out of its jar.  There's no use putting them together if they're the only things being put together.

I've been so perturbed by this that I am now just refusing to eat the "sandwich" at work.  But once I get home, I wait until after dinner, put jelly in the sandwich, and eat it now that it is "proper"  It's a good idea for another reason: I am currently participating in a research study at the U., and I am supposed to take this medication with food before I go to bed.  Saving, and rescuing, peanut butter in bread so it can be chased down my gullet with a pill feels very efficient.

But Jesus bleepin' Christ, man, can't you just slap on some jelly!  The sandwich looks so lame without it!!!

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