Saturday, June 16, 2012

Addendum To Streetlamp Turned Off = Small Government, No Safety?

I forgot to add a big reason why I hate the lamppost near our house is now usually turned off.  I was not conscious of the fact that I use it to see where the house is.  I have always known, if not aware, that the house right before the light was ours.  Now that that streetlamp is dark when I get to my house, it takes me a few seconds before I realize I have to figure out which house is ours on my own.  That has made me hesitate several times, suddenly braking when I thought I was about to pass the house, only to speed up after I see that it's just one of the houses before, then braking again when I'm actually at our house.

Now I know how important that is -- not just for my safety, but for my orientation.


  1. The streetlight has something to do with whether you like chicks or dudes?

  2. OK, let me rewrite the last sentence: "Now I know how important that is -- not for knowing where the hell am I, but also for avoiding a fucking accident.

    (Although, the way my love life is going, I should question my orientation regardless of the streetlight.)
