Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Can I Get Another Ice Cream?

I wrote about this under my real identity, but it's been a few months since it happened, so now I feel safe to retell it here.

So I was at an ice cream place called Crema Cafe.  Used to like it because it was in a secluded spot and their ice cream was really good.  The only thing bad about it occurs in the summer; their patio, which is cozy and quite nice, attracts mosquitoes.  I tried enjoying a cone out there and got bit in, and I'm not underestimating, a dozen times.

Anyway, several months ago, in the dying embers of summer, I went there to eat some ice cream.  Since this was way past mosquito season, I went out to their grotto to enjoy.  Two or three bites in, I guess the ice cream got hard, for as I recall, I was trying to lick the side of the ice cream where a drop was going to slide down the cone and my tongue managed to pick up the whole ball of ice cream.  It was that I was trying to take a bite out of the ice cream, but either way, a part of the cone cracked and the ice cream, the entire damn ball, rolled or jumped off the cone and plopped right onto the ground.  Damn, that's four bucks on the floor, wasted!!

There is no garbage can out there, so I pick up the ice cream off the ground with napkins I had to go back inside for.  Now, at this point I was thinking that I could just get another ice cream, so instead of throwing the whole thing in the garbage, I would show the pieces of my cone to one of the girls, and they would give me another one.  Right?

I wouldn't be writing about this if that were the case, so no.

She grabbed the ice cream and broken cone and napkins, went back to throw them away in her wastebasket ... and she just looked back at me.  We stared at each other -- only for a few seconds, but that would be more than enough to indicate that I was waiting for another ice cream.  I waited for what felt like an eternity in my head, and yet all I got visually was a blank stare.  Cynically I think her body language was telling me the equivalent of, "So, what the fuck do you want now?"

So I don't know if she was refusing to give me a replacement ice cream or truly did not know what else I wanted from her by just standing in front of her.  What I didn't do, and wasn't going to do, was say, "Well, can I get another ice cream?"  Because one, I thought it was, for lack of a better term, standard operating procedure when it came to customer service.  And even if she didn't offer, if I just said I wanted another one to replace the one that fell on the floor, I would come off as a greedy, entitled dick.  I'm not, but I don't want to be seen that way ... even though I think anybody in my situation would expect another cone.  Right?

Vexed, I just turned away after that uncomfortable silence.  I hope my eyes or any other part of my body wasn't expressing something like, "What the fuck was that?"  But that was what I was thinking.  Maybe I'm taking this too hard, but I'm surprised as shit that she didn't give me another ice cream.

A day later I recounted this story on facebook and I asked my friends if 1) she should have given me a replacement cone and 2) should I have asked for one if she didn't offer.  It was yes on both counts.  So instead of being a dick, I wound up being a pussy for not speaking up for myself.  Great.

Any opinions?

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