Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I. Am. Screwed.

So today I returned the voicemail of my contact at the temp agency who snagged me this billing job that I was furloughed from a few weeks ago.  My supervisor said that he'll give an answer as to when I should expect to be brought back by ... well, last Friday.

I asked my contact about that and he said, "Oh, they're OK with everything for now.  That may change in the future, but they're set for right now."

Oh, I know what he meant by that: That means that they didn't want me anymore, and instead they hired back the other temp.  So that was all a lie, huh?  You guys liked me, but then dumped me?  Were you guys really saying, "Well, you're a temp, so we have to say we like you to your face, but deep down we think you're not as good as the other guy?"

The bad thing is is that I was kind of assuming they'd hire me back.  In fact, I was kind of relying on the money.  Now I have five weeks to find $2,000 to pay for the car repairs I had done over the holiday break.

For the first time in a long time, I am in serious danger of having no money.  I used to fret about not having money, but that was only in the checking account.  I have money in stocks and CDs.  But now, because of the car and the work taking out from under me, I am, seriously, in danger of having no money.

I.  Am.  Screwed.

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