Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's Too Goddamn Hot!

One day I am going to blog post about all the things I hate about the new remodeling at our house.  But right now I'll just comment that the new HVAC system is working very well.  Too well, in fact.

When my parents were gone I mostly shut off the central heating because I was mostly going to stay in my sister's bedroom and I figure that an electric heater would be enough for me to stay warm when I wouldn't have to heat the rest of the house.  It got really cold when I ran naked all the way to the bathroom, and there have been days since they came back where I think I had to keep the entire house warm or else the walls would shatter, but I didn't need it.

But since they've come back they make sure that nighttime is the right time for the heating to be on.  And it is on, full blast up to 72 degrees.  I don't know how they feel, but in my new room (Grandmother's real room) it is fucking hot.  Seriously, it is fucking hot.  It can't be this hot anywhere else in the house.  The external heating coil is directly under my current bedroom, and maybe it has something to do with the ambient sunlight heating up my room before it sets, but it's a goddamn furnace in here every night.  I watched TV in just my long underwear tonight.  Fuck, I probably could sleep naked in my bed and I'd be fine.

Why do my folks have to crank it up so high?  I don't want to bitch to them because I want to talk to them as little as possible.  I'll be a martyr instead, suffering in silence for overreacting to the weather outside.

My Fucking Father likes to walk in on me while I'm in my room.  Next time he fucking does that, he might find me totally naked.  He might like that for all I fuckin' know. ...

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