Monday, January 14, 2013

Thanks For The Pageviews, I Guess

I have noticed a slight uptick -- very slight -- in the number of people that are looking at my entries on Wailing And Failing.  When I started no one saw them, and it's been that way virtually all, oh, three years and 11 months I've been doing this.  Now there have been several blog posts that have touched somewhat of a nerve: As you can see on my homepage the most views (and comments, which are even rarer) are for a time when I was venting about the new online player for satellite radio.  But by no means am I, uh, a blogger who can quit his full-time job (I don't have a job) and do this all day.

Things kind of changed lately.  More and more posts have received double-digit hits.  Seriously, y'all, if a post of mine gets ten views, I'm happy as a clam.  And, possibly, talking about the downward turn of health and eventual death of Uncle may have hit a nerve with several of you, since those posts were the first time I've reached 20 views in quite some time.

But goddammit, I can't believe that 150 different people found my previous post about the nightmare I had about eating soup out of my parents' store's filthy-ass toilet to be so riveting that they've told other people about it.  And let me be realistic: The people who have seen all the other blog posts I've written here that have gotten more than, oh, three views are probably guys from Russia or Brazil trying to mine some personal information in order to get my Social Security Number and hack my checking account.  I hope it counts when it comes to getting money from AdSense, but really, guys, 150??  I'm not that good.

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