Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Birthday Thoughts

It didn't really feel like my birthday. Maybe it's because I'm lost at 33. Maybe it's because being unemployed has run all my lollygagging days together into one long drunk-like blur (although working 40+ hours a week made my life seem that way too). But although I was cognizant of it, I didn't feel totally great about it. What did I do to celebrate? I went to an Irish pub to study my bracket, saw it was crowded as hell, decided to go to Matt's Bar and get a Jucy Lucy, got lost, went in, answered a call from my sister wishing me a Happy Birthday, and getting my car washed way on the other side of town for free. (I upgraded to include the underbody flush and rust inhibitor). Then I went home to have dinner with family.


Do you wanna know how hung up I am on stupid shit? The greatest thing about facebook right now, for me, is that 10 friends of mine wished me a Happy Birthday. I sent a message back thanking each one. But I feel so bad that the first person I wrote back to was the second person on the list, a friend of mine from SC. The first guy was my sister's boyfriend, but I've never met him person, whereas the second guy was my friend and he was "you get to see the Trojan basketball team in Minnesota, God loves you" stuff, and I read it, so naturally I responded to him first. I'm still bent out of shape that I didn't answer my birthday well wishes in the order I received them.


Meanwhile, none of the hot babes I friended on MySpace wished me a Happy B-Day. Boo!


I wasn't expecting cake, to be honest. Not that I don't like cake. I always like cake, and when my parents bought it, it shows that they love me, or at least they'll make good on the responsibilities of being a parent. But I am 33, and my metabolism is slowing down. The other thing is, they once again bought a strawberry cake (actually souffle). I hate strawberry cake. Well, as much as you can hate a specific kind of cake when you love cake. I think I've said all my life that I prefer, say, a chocolate one. But maybe they won't finish the cake unless it's strawberry. Buddha knows I couldn't finish this one.

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