Saturday, April 18, 2009

Obama's First Failure

I like Obama. His election and inauguration were historic, and so far he's doing a hell of a lot more as president than the absent leader we had before him.

But his unwillingness to enact strict gun control laws, or at least move forward on an assault weapons ban, is really pissing me off. There have been 58 people killed by mass murderers in the last fucking month. And yet the President has stifled State Secretary Clinton, Attorney General Holder and others calling for a simple ban on guns that no hunter uses to kill deer.

This is getting insane. Mostly because the National Rifle Association is insane. I understand there's a Second Amendment. And frankly, if I had my way, the only person who would have a gun is me. But the "lobbying" the NRA does is basically threats. Moreover, they say that they support gun laws. So why don't they be more proactive and, as possibly the most powerful lobbying group in the country, help enact legislation to ban those mentally unstable from getting guns at gun shows, or to help beef up security so that deadly weapons don't cross the Mexican border? But I don't see the NRA doing much of anything besides screaming "MY RIGHTS!!! MY RIGHTS!!!" whenever someone calls for a simple ban. Or, when someone crazy takes out his AK-47 and kills a dozen people. It's pretty depressing to see how unhelpful the NRA is.

(Oh, and by the way, NRA Vice-President, spokesman and blowhard Wayne LaPierre is a fatass.)

Why is Obama not doing anything to stem gun violence in the U.S.? Is he afraid of the NRA? The more salient question is: Should he be? And that's my worst nightmare. He could've turned around the economy, overhauled the health system, forged peace in the Middle East and found and killed Osama bin Laden, and yet come 2012 if he says there should be much stricter gun laws in this country, he would lose to gun-totin' MILF Sarah Palin. What's scarier, the possibility that an election could be decided over guns, or the possibility of the NRA to single-handedly defeat the most memorable president of modern times if he stands up to them for allowing innocent Americans to die because of their members' need to feel like men?

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