Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Don't Know If I Blogged About This Creep Before, But I Must Now

There's this professor who works on the same floor as I do. Always struck me as weird; the few times I pass by him he has this disinterested, slightly bemused look, like he knows something you don't and he wants to tease you with it. During the summer he wore jean shorts -- never a sign of a sane man. And the only time he's even acknowledged me was when I got off the elevator and started walking behind him. He looked behind me with this, "What the fuck?" look and said, "Hey." I said, "What's up?" in my passive-agressive defensive way.

Well, today I just took my usual potty break, except I didn't need to defecate. Just as I start washing my hands this creepy fucker comes in. Now, I think I've described some of this men's room before, so forgive me if I describe the urinals again. There are two of them, right inbetween the two bathroom stalls and the two sinks. I was washing my hands at the sink next to the urinal. Now, you'd think he'd go to the urinal further away from me and the sink. Turns out, he didn't. I didn't know he did that while I was washing my hands; however, just the thought that he was right next to me, violating all unspoken yet clear rules of men's bathroom etiquette, squicked me out.

I kept thinking things to do based on this asshole. Should I wash my hands faster? Would it seem like I was scared of him if I did? Three towels like I usually do or two? And can I use a towel to turn off the water, like health experts say you should do, especially now given the cold weather and the unexpected attack from H1N1 swine flu?

I just did my thing as usual, taking time to wash my hands thoroughly and getting three towels, all the while trying to act like he doesn't scare me. But this guy, he washes his fingers for, like, a second at the sink I didn't use -- the one next to me at the towel dispenser -- then reaches for the towels just as I was grabbing my customary third towel. Whoa, Invade Space Guy, wait your turn! He takes just one towel, wipes his hands for a millisecond, then cuts past me to leave.

Maybe I'm overreacting. As someone last month told me, If this angers me, what exactly is my trigger? Well, I need to think about it, but if I have to answer right now, it's just that this guy bugs the shit out of me.

And I'll have to see him again and again and again and again. ...

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