Sunday, September 6, 2009

Three Things, September 5, 2009

  1. Was at the store, filling in for my parents.  Some guy came over to get some stuff; per usual, my uncle helped him while I manned the front ... if by that you mean "reading the paper."  They stop right in front of me and the customer says, "Your parents pay you to read the paper?"  And I'm like, yeah.  And I'm kind of offended.  But if I looked at myself just reading the paper five hours every holiday weekend, I'd be as baffled as this guy seemed to be.
  2. Didn't see Grandmother as I left the house this morning.  I didn't turn my phone on all day while at "work" 'cause if she needed something from the store (as she usually does on holiday weekends when my parents aren't around), I figure she can call the store.  Well, my uncle said there were things she asked for.  I wanted to go to this bar straight from the store, but these are groceries, and some of them are frozen, and I really shouldn't be leaving them in the car because that's immature and I'm 33, blah-blah-blah, so I go home.  And I have to disarm the alarm.  I'm a little peeved; if she doesn't think it's important to be home to receive the food she asked for at the store, why should I come home?  Later, after I get to the bar, I finally turn on my phone; she left me two voicemails, minutes apart, asking me to call her back, presumably to hear what she wants from the store.  Why doesn't she just call the store?  And when she comes back home tonight, I figure out that she dialed the number for the store wrong.  The same number for 30 years.  Sigh.
  3. The girl who finally touched my pee-pee back in the summer was at the stripclub where she waitresses.  She didn't really talk to me.  She said she was tired and bored, but she kept talking to her co-workers and some of the customers.  Was she really bored?  Did she not like that I called her while she was at the State Fair yesterday?  Maybe she hated that I called her again today, a call where I asked her to call me back and she obviously didn't?  Or is she quietly distancing herself from me because she squeezed my cock?

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