Saturday, March 27, 2010

Angry Crazy Old People

Somewhat enjoyed the men's hockey regional games last night at the X.  Both games were tight, especially the first one, won by St. Cloud St. over Northern Michigan in double OT.  But the crowd ... could've been better.

It's not like they were rowdy.  Hell, there were a lot of hot coeds watching the game, thank Buddha.  But there was also a very old Wisconsin fan rallying the crowd throughout the Badgers' 3-2 victory over Vermont.  But actually, he wasn't that bad.  Who were bad were the ladies incessantly complaining about him, who were seated just behind me.  These Golden Girls were absolutely pissed off about this guy standing yards away from them: "Sit down!  Can  you believe this!  Somebody needs to do something about this!"

Apparently they have a problem with people cheering during a game.  Or, people cheering for their opponents during a game.  I think these ladies were Vermont fans because when they weren't bitching about this old fart, they were rooting on Vermont.  Well, as best they can; everything coming out of their mouths proved they didn't know a goddamn thing about hockey: "Shoot!  What's wrong!  Come on, you ... guy!  Let's go, green men!  You green guys!"  Come to think of it, they might be kind of dumb.  Oh well -- I helped them show how "Catamount" is spelled, and they seemed nice, so God bless 'em.

What was scary, though, was the man across the aisle from me.  I didn't notice him when he said "Down in front!" to a man trying to sit in the row ahead of me.  But then this couple came through.  I had seen them before; they were actually walking past me to get to their seats in my row right in the middle of a scramble on net.  Well, these interlopers came through at yet another inopportune moment to sit in the row in front of me.  In fact, they were standing on the aisle when Vermont scored, which prompted the man across the aisle from me to get up and scream at the male in the couple: "Thanks a lot!"  Stunned by this brazen paroxysm of anger, the guy just waved his hand at him as he finally went through the row.

I can understand both sides.  I don't like it when someone blocks my view, and these two pricks did came down to their seats in the middle of a game twice, so a punch to their face (yes, even the girl) wouldn't be totally inappropriate.  But this asshole needs a beating for being such an asshole in public.  And heck, might as well smack those two ladies behind me.  And the Wisconsin fan too, while you're at it.

If the tickets are reasonable, I get to do this again tonight!  Yippee!!

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