Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can I Talk About Two More Things That Are Pissing Me Off?

In the middle of regaling you with My Worst Day Ever yesterday, I forgot another stupid thing that astounded me.  While dinkin' around on my computer at the coffeehouse (the one where I fielded the phone call from the insurance company) I wanted to check my phone bill.  Last week I texted and was texted a lot of times for this job I got, and since I don't have a plan, I wanted to see how much more money above my usual monthly bill I would have to pay for them.

Well, the first thing that pissed me off about T-Mobile is that the period just ended the day after my job was done on Saturday.  For some reason it just seems like that's the worse time for the period to cut off, just after I have this huge extra expense on my phone service, like of course that's when the cycle's over, thanks, God!

But the main thing that pisses me off, and still does, is that I can't find a record of last month's phone bill anywhere on the site -- not the bill for the month that was sent to me last, but the just completed phone bill, the one whose cycle ended back on Sunday.  Obviously I don't have that bill in front of me, so I wanted to check it online.  That information is nowhere to be seen, anywhere.  Nowhere!  I have records of the previous month's bill, how much I paid for it, how I paid for it, and the calls I made and received, line by line.  Shit, I have that for the 11 bills before then.  But goddammit, not last month's bill, the one I need to fucking know about, the one goddamn bill that only matters to someone who wants to know how much he's about to pay!!!

Seriously, how is that so goddamn motherfucking hard to do?  So the cycle ended; just show me how much I have to pay for last month before you send you me the paper bill.  What's the hangup?  And it has to be a month where I'll pay a hell of a lot more than I usually do, and by some goddamn coincidence I can't find out by how much!!  It's like T-Mobile is trying to keep it a secret from me so they can really stick it to me good when the time comes.  Fuck you, T-Mobile, why are you doing this to me?


The other pissing me off: After coming home from the Wolves game I see three bags on the landing.  One of the bags is garbage.  The other two are filled with papers from My Fucking Father's computer room.  Most of it is my brother's old car stereo magazines.  The others, though, are way more important.  There were a couple Doctor Who books we bought a long time ago, some of my brother's old high school notebooks and bluebooks, and some envelopes.

That's the thing I really hate about that bastard right now: There is no peace at home with him cleaning stuff away.  I have no idea why he just can't leave shit lie.  It's like he's about to die with the way he keeps moving old papers and still-usuable items out of the house.  What's the fucking matter with him?

So I mutter "Goddamn ..." take out the envelopes from one bag, and bring up the other bag up to the dining room so I can sift through them.  I took out the Doctor Who books and, in an odd fit of sentimentality, saved some of my brother's papers and notebooks.  I don't know why I did, and I probably will never look through them ever again.  But I think it's important to keep them around and not get them recycled.  It's a part of his past that should be preserved, even if it's locked away, out of sight and mind, for the rest of his life, and mine.  I don't think that makes me a bad guy.

Now I think My Fucking Father's going to retaliate by throwing all my stuff away.

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